




Chronic prostatitis for four years has been cured

Chronic prostatitis for four years has been cured

A medical record of a patient who suffered from chronic prostatitis for four years

Name: XuPengFei 
Gender: male 
Age: 40 years old 
Treatment Time: 2011.8.3
Chief complaint: recurred urinary frequency and urgency, perineal pain
Medical history: 
The patient suffered from urinary frequency and urgency, perineal pain four years ago. The local hospital disgnosed that he had Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis, prescribed antibiotics(The dosage and course of treatment are unknown). Then symptoms got better. But during the last four years, the symptoms of urinary frequency and urgency came back. In the recent month, he felt that the symptoms got worse. So he came to our clinic and took treatment.
Accessory examination: none
Diagnosis: Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
TCM prescription: Take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for three courses
The process of treatment:
After taking Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for two months, the symptoms of urinary frequency and pain got alleviated. The pain in perineum reduced. Only the left thigh had mild radiation pain. The symptoms got improved.
The urinary frequency and pain gone. No perineal pain. The lower abdomen has mild pain. By the local hospital check prostate normal routine. The routine test of prostate reported normal. Symptoms disappeared, prostate tested normal, these indicates that the chronic prostatitis was basically healed. 
No urinary frequency, urgency and pain. No perineal pain. No pain in lower abdomen. All symptoms went away. The chronic prostatitis was completely cured. He said that he never imagined that he can be cured!
article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Testimonials/20120221/chronic-prostatitis.html


The clinical case - Symptoms of frequency, urgency and nocturia have been cured

The clinical case - Symptoms of frequency, urgency and nocturia have been cured

Name: Mr. Liu

Gender: Male
Age: 60 years old 
Treatment time: 2014.03
Statement: He was tortured by the symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, terminal dribbling, lower abdominal pain, back pain, swelling of the lower legs, urinating 3 to 4 times at night, urinating once an hour in the daytime, and excreting three times a day. 
Western medicine examination test: Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is 5.0 higher than normal level. Red blood cell volume is 78.7, which means this volume is lower than normal volume. Urinary PH is 5.0, which means it is lower than normal levels. Serum Phosphorus is 0.79, which means it is lower than normal levels. 
Before contacting with Dr. Lee Xiaoping, Mr. Liu had been treated at hospital for a period of time. However, there was no obvious effect, and the symptoms were easy to be recurrent. Fortunately, his son found Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic, and consulted Dr. Lee for diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill for his father.
After reading the test, Dr. Lee analyzed that there was no need to worry about the BUN index, because BUN can be affected by many factor, such as high-protein diet, metabolism, infection, etc. The corpuscular volume is lower, which means that the size of red blood cells is slightly smaller than normal. If the total number of red blood cells and hemoglobin are normal, Mr. Liu should not be so nervous. Besides, the lower serum phosphorus can be caused by hyperparathyroidism, the deficiency of vitamin D, malabsorption of phosphorus and Malabsorption index can be normal through daily diet intake. 
According to the other symptoms of frequency, urgency, nocturia in Mr. Liu, Dr. Lee recommended Mr. Liu to take one course of diuretic anti-inflammatory pill first. In addition, so Dr. Lee added additional formula to release frequency, urgency, nocturia for him because of his serious symptoms. 
Result: After one month treatment, Mr. Liu told Dr. Lee that he felt changes, his symptoms like frequency and urgency were improved significantly. Besides, the times of urination at night was reduced. The pain in abdomen existed as well, but it was relieved than before. So, he continued another month treatment. 
After 3 months treatment, he called Dr. Lee and told all his symptoms were disappeared, and all indicators were normal. At last, he ordered one more course to consolidate curative effect.
article source :  http://www.diureticspill.com/Testimonials/20140714/557.html


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Common Gynecological Causes of Pelvic Pain In Women: Part 2

Common Gynecological Causes of Pelvic Pain In Women: Part 2

In the first part of this article, we looked at endometriosis and uterine fibroids as causes of chronic back and pelvic pain. The following two gynecological conditions may also cause such symptoms.


Adenomyosis is similar to endometriosis in that it entails the irregular growth of the tissue that lines the uterus. In Adenomyosis, however, the tissue intrudes upon the uterus itself and not other structures. Endometrium is the lining of the uterus that sheds during menstruation, and myometrium is the thick muscle wall that supports the uterus and gives it its shape. Adenomyosis is present when the endometrium intrudes upon the myometrium.

The endometrium that is embedded in the uterine muscle can't shed normally during menstruation. This can cause the uterus to swell, sometimes doubling or tripling in size.

Some common symptoms of this condition include:

Severe cramping and sharp pains during period
Heavy or prolonged periods
Painful intercourse
Worsening menstrual pain with age as uterus enlarges
Pain as feces pass through bowels or bladder fills with urine, pressing on uterus
Passing of blood clots during period

Adenomyosis may easily be misdiagnosed as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. It is most common in women over 35 who have had children. Like most other pelvic disorders, its cause is not known for sure. It is thought that pelvic surgery such as fibroid removal or C-section can cause the two tissues to mix, or that genetic abnormalities at birth may cause this to occur. A pelvic exam, ultrasound and/or MRI may be used to diagnose the condition. Treating adenomyosis usually involves treating the symptoms, as the condition is generally not serious beyond the pain it causes. Hormone medications that alleviate painful periods often help. In rare cases, hysterectomy might be in order.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

This gynecological condition stands out from the other three in that it is better understood by the medical community. PID is caused when bacteria from the vagina travels up into other pelvic organs, like the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Most of the time, the bacteria involved are sexually transmitted, usually in the form of gonorrhea or chlamydia. PID is startlingly common; according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information's website, about 1 in 8 sexually active females develop PID before age 20.

Bacterial infection causes inflammation. The body's inflammatory response rushes to infected areas to 1) block off the threat from other body parts and 2) attempt to kill the infection. This leads to chronic inflammation of the affected pelvic organs.

Not all women with PID have symptoms, but for those that do, common symptoms include:

Chronic pelvic and lower back pain
Ectopic pregnancy or infertility
Vaginal discharge with odd consistency, color or smell

As with the other gynecological conditions discussed, PID can cause menstrual abnormalities and pain during intercourse.

A pelvic examination can reveal abnormal cervical conditions like bleeding and pain that indicate pelvic inflammatory disease. Blood work may also be done to detect infection. STI testing, which involves collecting a culture of your vagina or cervix, can detect gonorrhea or chlamydia. An ultrasound or CT scan can rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.

If you have chronic pelvic and back pain accompanied by fever, menstrual irregularities, infertility and painful intercourse, the cause of your pain is likely gynecological. It is a good idea to keep track of your symptoms in a log or pain diary so that your doctor can more easily help you reach a diagnosis. There are many causes of pelvic pain in women; narrowing yours down to a gynecological cause is one step closer to relieving your pain.

Article Source:  http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Adenomyosis/


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