




What can be retrieved through iPhone recovery software

Many clients seek out a cellular forensic consultant because they want to recover deleted text messages through iPhone recovery software. usually due to suspicions about infidelity in a spouse lover. But they do not realize the vast amount of evidence that can be recovered from a iPhone besides just the deleted text messages. This article will show what else can be recovered to aid in your infidelity investigation.

1. Location Tracking

Older versions of the iPhone can retain up to two years of location tracking information. Basically you can get data that will detail the past whereabouts of that device.

2. Web Site Addresses

This is like obtaining the browser history on your home PC or lap top. This could be valuable evidence of a porn or gambling addiction. It could reveal membership in online dating sites, escort services etc

3 Address Book

Obviously this can reveal the name and address of the person cheating with the clients spouse. It may also list rendezvous spots like restaurants or motels.

4 Notes

The Notes section of the iPhone can contain directions, addresses, phone numbers, betting information, debts, appointments or dates. A great deal of information can be found in this overlooked feature of the iPhone.

5. Calendar

This may contain dates, the other woman's birthday, anniversaries...

6. Text, SMS

The texts or SMS may contain some damning evidence of infidelity, dug or gambling addiction, theft or other inappropriate activity. You will see the actual content of the text messages.

7. Pictures

For the cheating spouse this is usually their downfall, most cheaters cannot resist taking pictures of their lover. Many will delete the pics in an attempt to cover their tracks.




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